Operational Complex in Varginha with 143 thousand square meters, with built area of 40 thousand square meters
13 Units in the South and Midwest of Minas Gerais State: Alterosa – Cambuquira - Carmo da Cachoeira - Conceição do Rio Verde - Elói Mendes - Lambari – Lavras - Monsenhor Paulo - Nepomuceno - Oliveira - Santana da Vargem - Três Corações – Varginha Matriz
Stores with more than 17 thousand items of products including inputs and veterinary products, located in Varginha, Carmo da Cachoeira and Lavras
Commercial units
Technical department with agronomists focused on the sustainability and development of our associates properties
Storage capacity of 2.2 milion bags
More than 1,5 milion bag selled per year
8.500 associates
Coffee lab classification
Specialty Coffee Department with 8 Q-Graders
Exports of high quality coffee to over 40 countries and 450 thousand bags
100% automated processes with the state of the art equipments
Lift ramp for trailers up to 30 tons
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